I've only played solo, and only a couple times, but It's so far been good. The Lord Ruler is brutally difficult, and I've lost about as much as I've won. It can sometimes also be a bit hard to keep track of everything (money, combat, burns), but I found using a couple d10s to track them as they increased helped immensely.
Component quality is good, the art is good, the rules are mostly clear, but there can be a lot of them to internalize all at once before playing solo.
If BoardGameBliss doesn't have Pyrates! in stock, then you could buy the downloadable "Print and Play" version from White Dog Games website for $30 USD.
5 Stars even though it has a paper map.
They say White Dog Games doesn't manufacture the games in China, so that's why they're more expensive.
I've been cycling games trying to find one that my 6 year old, 12 year old and us parents liked. Nothing would satisfy all until this game.
It's quick, it's easy, and everyone gets things on other people's turns.