Antoine Bauza and Thomas Provoost, two veterans of the board game industry, decided to set up a new publishing company based on their solid experience and shared vision of the publishing profession.
For them, authors are the key creative players, and will be supported — and challenged! — so that each game reaches its full potential. Games from PlayPunk will be polished down to the smallest detail: game design, narrative, ergonomics, graphics, production, writing...
To achieve this goal, PlayPunk will take the time to mature its games and will have a limited catalog.
If BoardGameBliss doesn't have Pyrates! in stock, then you could buy the downloadable "Print and Play" version from White Dog Games website for $30 USD.
5 Stars even though it has a paper map.
They say White Dog Games doesn't manufacture the games in China, so that's why they're more expensive.
I've been cycling games trying to find one that my 6 year old, 12 year old and us parents liked. Nothing would satisfy all until this game.
It's quick, it's easy, and everyone gets things on other people's turns.