MOOD Publishing is a Danish publisher, part of MOOD group founded in 2013 by a bunch of experienced visual designers and board game enthusiasts working together in the video game industry for many years.
Each game in their lineup is carefully designed to provide players with enjoyable and immersive experiences, whether through thematic depth, strategic complexity, or interactive gameplay. The collection features a variety of genres, ensuring that there is something for every type of board game enthusiast.
This game gives you the thematic feeling of trying to cast the best (or worst) horror film. You'll be engaged every turn by seeing what your opponents are bidding for and choosing at the Horror conventions. A great game for the Halloween season. If your game group consists of 4 players and you're into Reiner Knizia's bidding/auction mechanics then this is definitely a must try for you!
This is my 2nd game I purchased after getting into the hobby. I play Undaunted with my 11 year old brother and we have an absolute blast everytime we play. We play each scenario as best of 3 and switch sides everytime to decide a winner and move to the next. There's also many many player made scenarios on the forums that we'll definitely do after we finish the base game. Overall, highly recommended.